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11374 Answered Questions matched your search criteria.
    Holly tree #752893
    Miniature Pik Zee peach with fungus? #752883
    does systemic kill bees #752871
    Pine Saw fly #752867
    Potted fig #752862
    Black Ants in house in the Spring #752857
    Need advice with my snowball bush! Dead from freeze or diseased #752855
    Plant or weed #752844
    Evaluation of horse farm land #752832
    pond starwort #752830
    Yellow branches on young northern white cedar #752825
    Some irises are blooming yellow instead of original color #752815
    Forest Tent Caterpillar - Problem? #752814
    Identification of blueberry variety #752812
    Wildflower: honeysuckle or columbine? #752792
    Black spots on leaves of my maple trees #752785
    What is this ? A cockroach? #752777
    2021 spring codling moth spray duration #752772
    Bronze birch borere #752770
    2021 spring codling moth spray duration #752769
    Walk in help #752766
    Bagworms #752763
    Organic Detroit Dark Beet #752756
    Canadian thistle #752753
    Aspen suckers in the Lawn #752752
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