
Aspen suckers in the Lawn #752752

Asked May 28, 2021, 3:47 PM EDT

I have been pulling/cutting aspen suckers in the lawn. Someone told me that I could use Roundup on them but I thought that that would be bad for the aspen tree colony-I don’t want to harm the tree(s). Does herbicide go back to the tree? Or can it be used on suckers. I’ve seen both recommendations when I tried to research it.

Deschutes County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Shari,  This is the million dollar question!  I spent yesterday in my own yard digging down deep into the soil to find the root and pull the root out where the sprouts are attached. This is harder to do in a lawn like setting. Having aspen suckers in the lawn is tough as there is not real easier way to eradicate them.  In theory if you were to use glyphosate (ingredient in Roundup) it would probably kill back the sprout but could go all the way back to the the mother plant, may not outright kill it but could weaken it. So that would be a risk you would have to take. Often in these cases the aspen is off site/property. This is the case with the suckers in my lawn they are from a sidewalk strip planting next to the house behind me.  Also any herbicide that would hit the lawn would kill the lawn as glyphosate is non-selective. I continue to try and follow the research on this dilema since aspen are heavily planted in Central Oregon. Currently now aware of any surefire way to kill the suckers without potentially harming the mother plant. The product Crossbow which contains 2,4-D and triclopyr is often recommended instead of glyphosate as it will not kill the grass. Please follow all label directions if you decide to use any herbicide. Not sure if Crossbow will harm the mother plant, I don't think the research is clear on this.  Thanks,  

Thanks Amy.  Even a “it’s unknown” answer is useful.
I do spot-use Speedzone on lawn weeds but avoid the suckers.
My sons loved pulling roots in the non-lawn areas when we first moved in-often with a few little trees attached!
If I can determine where the root is coming from, I sever it in two places to make a gap and use glyphosate on “downstream” suckers.
Otherwise, it’s a chance for quiet meditative “sucker pulling” with a good audiobook.
I appreciate your input.

On Jun 1, 2021, at 1:06 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 4:59 PM EDT
This confirms what we have been assuming.
Good to hear from an expert.

On Jun 1, 2021, at 1:06 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 5:05 PM EDT

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