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Is it possible to meet with someone in person to show them a moth for identification?
Created by Liz Walton
Thank you for writing. The best way to solve this is to take sharp pictures of the moths and send them to me. Some moths look like different species at different ages.
Here is some information for you. https://apps.extension.umn.edu/garden/diagnose/insect/indoor/flies/small/webbing-clothes-moth.html
Here is some information for you. https://apps.extension.umn.edu/garden/diagnose/insect/indoor/flies/small/webbing-clothes-moth.html
Closed by Expert with status of Closed
Reopened by lizwalton58@gmail.com
Thank you for writing back.
By size, shape, color and location, these are completely typical for
Webbing clothes moth Tineola bisselliella
Management, including freezing, is discussed here. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7435.html
Closed by Expert with status of Closed
Reopened by lizwalton58@gmail.com
Closed by Expert with status of Closed