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Is it possible to meet with someone in person to show them a moth for identification?

Basic Question Information
Question Status: Closed
Institution: University of Minnesota
Create Date: 01/13/2025 1:36 PM
User Information
Name: Liz Walton
Email: lizwalton58@gmail.com
Question Details
Make question publicly accessible?: Yes
State: Minnesota
County: Hennepin

Liz Walton posted Is it possible to meet with someone in person to show them a moth for identification?
A few years ago I had a clothing moth infestation. I thought I'd solved my problem, but found a few moths (they don't all look the same) in traps. I'd like someone to take a quick look at the moths and identify them for me, please. Is a short in-person visit possible, please? If not, please advise who may be able to help me. If they are clothing moths, now is the perfect time for me to put all I own in my porch to kill them this winter. Thanks much.
Created by AvatarLiz Walton
Staff posted
Thank you for writing.  The best way to solve this is to take sharp pictures of the moths and send them to me. Some moths look like different species at different ages. 
Here is some information for you.  https://apps.extension.umn.edu/garden/diagnose/insect/indoor/flies/small/webbing-clothes-moth.html

Closed by AvatarExpert with status of Closed
Liz Walton posted

I tried loading choosing and dragging photos in this reply, but having no success. I also sent a reply to Ask Extension/ask@extension.org. I hope my reply came through there. My earlier inquiry:

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Steve Miles, Hennepin County MN (I am not a bot or AI)

I am happy to receive follow-up questions if my responses are incomplete or unclear.


Thank you for your reply. I've attached some photos of the moths I've found. It appears to me there is more than 1 type of moth. I wonder if photos 1 and 4a and 4b might be clothing moths, when compared to a photo from the second website. I don't know about the others...even number 3 looks like it might be a clothing moth size/shape (to my untrained eye)

I thank you for a photo review. If you have confidence my photos show enough characteristics for clear identification, wonderful. If there's any hesitation or lack of confidence, I would prefer to have someone look at the moths in person. I will gladly stop into an extension office--or wherever necessary (and gladly pay for the identification, if necessary). Please advise if your confidence suggests an in-person stop--and suggest where I might go for such a review.
About 4 years ago, I had a lovely wool coat that was almost "shredded" due to moths, which prompted me to put all clothing and blankets in my porch for a couple weeks to freeze the larvae. If no moth is one that damages clothes, I will be happy. If one is, I will take advantage of the cold weather and, sadly, do the same again. I just don't want to unload all my fabric items from my entire house if it's not necessary, but don't want to risk losing items again.
Thanks very much for the help,Liz Walton.

Reopened by lizwalton58@gmail.com
Liz Walton posted

I tried grouping the photos into a folder: https://photos.app.goo.gl/8j1BsN2n2vNspg9v7  the first 3 images are ones I particularly wonder if they are clothing moths. 


Liz Walton posted

Thank you for writing back.

By size, shape, color and location, these are completely typical for 

Webbing clothes moth Tineola bisselliella

Management, including freezing, is discussed here. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7435.html 

Staff posted

Thank you for writing back.

By size, shape, color and location, these are completely typical for

Webbing clothes moth Tineola bisselliella

Management, including freezing, is discussed here. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7435.html

Closed by AvatarExpert with status of Closed
Liz Walton posted

Thanks very much for the help. You gave me the info I was hoping NOT to learn, darn! All wool rugs, down pillows and jackets, blankets, wool clothing, and anything I suspect may be damaged went into my screen porch last night. I'm not excited about the upcoming extreme cold for my comfort, but am excited about it for killing moths!  One bright side to this is finding freezing temps for my household contents is much easier this time of year vs. summer. 

Thanks again!

Reopened by lizwalton58@gmail.com
Closed by AvatarExpert with status of Closed

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