Asked March 06, 2025, 8:40 AM EST
Last year, we started a raised vegetable garden because it was in a low spot and sometimes water settles there after a storm. We purchased and filled with bagged "top soil" which isn't actually soil but organic matter almost like mulch. We mixed in a liberal amount of leaf gro and mushroom compost. The vegetable garden had a slow start last year but eventually took off and performed well.
I'm wondering how to prepare the soil for this year. The "top soil" has broken down into a real fine, light, almost dusty material though some larger woody pieces remain on top. I plan to amend with more compost on top.
Should I add actual inorganic topsoil that we had dumped onto our property or leave it as is? If I add actual soil, I assume I should mix it in with the material already present.
Baltimore County Maryland