
Haworthia leaves turning brown #893720

Asked March 05, 2025, 10:48 PM EST

I've had a pot of three different succulents since the summer and all was going well. On the advice of the shop where we bought them, I've been giving the pot a good soaking once a month but making sure the water has drained all the way through before returning the pot to its spot in a south facing window that gets direct and indirect light. From last month's watering to this month's, the leaves on the haworthia have started to turn brown and crispy. The rest of the leaf feels normal, with a good amount of "give" as with an aloe leaf. Is the cause underwatering? Should I trim the dead material off the plant? Thank you!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

See the following web page. Note the humidity paragraph.
Have your indoor growing conditions changed? More air blowing from a heating vent, change in lighting conditions, lower humidity in your home, etc. Experiment with slight changes in watering amounts to see if it solves the problem. Yes you may trim the dead areas off. The following web pages may provide additional information.

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