Asked April 13, 2015, 9:36 PM EDT
We have a few questions concerning our senior project in the Integrated Science and Technology program!
1. From what we've found, the population of Rockingham County is 77,391, but this does not specify if that number includes JMU students or not. Could you clarify this?
2. For the USDA Ag Census for 2012, do you know if "Forage-land used for all hay and haylage, grass silage, and greenchop" counts as pasture or cropland?
3. Do you know of a common source for sheep feed in Rockingham County? - And if most people source their sheep feed from within Rockingham County or outside Rockingham County?
4. Do you know how many acres it takes to produce one bale of hay?
Any estimates for these answers would be greatly appreciated!
Lindsey Kacsmar
Rockingham County Virginia