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Tree Identification

Basic Question Information
Question Status: Closed
Institution: University of Minnesota
Create Date: 10/28/2022 4:24 PM
User Information
Name: Sklarson7
Email: sklarson7@comcast.net
Question Details
Make question publicly accessible?: Yes
State: Minnesota
County: Hennepin

sklarson7 posted Tree Identification
I have a beautiful "volunteer" tree on the edge of a designated wetland area (dry for these drought years now). It has turned a brilliant orange color and as of today 10.28.22 it still has most of its leaves. I've attached a photo of the leaves and also the full tree and wonder if you can tell me what kind of tree it is. Thanks much!
Created by Avatarsklarson7
Staff posted


The photo of the leaves is helpful but the resolution on the full tree is low so it’s difficult to identify. From these photos it looks like it could be a pin cherry or a willow. If the leave hang down it is more likely a willow. You didn’t say if it has flowers in the spring or if it bears any kind of fruit. It would be helpful it you could send a photo of the bark. 

Below is a description of the pin cherry. 


I hope this helps but please send a photo of the bark if you can.

Closed by AvatarExpert with status of Closed
sklarson7 posted

Thanks for your guess thus far.  I’m sorry but we don’t recall if there were blossoms in the spring or not.  Attached are some higher resolution photos of the bark.  Maybe that will help.  If not, we’ll be sure to pay attention in the spring for blossoms and berries.


Suzanne Larson



From: Ask Extension
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 3:24 PM
To: sklarson7
Subject: Thank you for your Ask Extension question (#0085385)



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Tree Identification

I have a beautiful "volunteer" tree on the edge of a designated wetland area (dry for these drought years now). It has turned a brilliant orange color and as of today 10.28.22 it still has most of its leaves. I've attached a photo of the leaves and also the full tree and wonder if you can tell me what kind of tree it is. Thanks much!

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Reopened by SYSTEM
Staff posted

With the additional photos I am pretty sure you have a black cherry. I also asked some other MG’s and received agreement. Below is a link from Three Rivers Park District describing the tree. 

I hope it is growing in a good place because you should have some wonderful years with this tree.


Closed by AvatarExpert with status of Closed
sklarson7 posted

Thank you so very much!  We will be sure it has room to grow and thrive.


Suzanne Larson



From: Ask Extension
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2022 8:37 PM
To: sklarson7
Subject: Re: Tree Identification (#0085385)


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Closed by AvatarExpert with status of Closed

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