
Tree wound #893758

Asked March 06, 2025, 2:33 PM EST

A dead tree blew over onto veriageted maple and ripped off a branch of our tree and left a sizeable wound. It is ragged and fairly large. Should we put wound dressing on it or leave it alone

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

Hello, generally speaking, maple trees are very effective in healing wounds on their own. If there are wounded branches that are ragged, you could prune those off into clean cuts. Without a picture it is hard to provide any more information. If you would like to provide some photos of the wound, I could forward those to one of our extension foresters to see if they have any additional input, but without those and generally speaking, as long as the maple is otherwise healthy and not suffering from any disease, it should be able to heal itself effectively. 

Autumn Ellison, OSU Forestry and Natural Resources Extension

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 06, 2025, 5:15 PM EST

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