Braided Hibiscus trees #893607
Asked March 04, 2025, 3:00 PM EST
Kent County Michigan
Expert Response
Hello Sherryl,
It looks and sounds like your hibiscus trees are infested with spider mite. These tiny insects spin webs about the leaves and cause tiny white spots on the leaves. They are difficult to see but if you hold a piece of paper under a branch and shake the branch, they will fall onto the paper for a correct identification. Trees that are stressed are susceptible to attack by spider mites. Read about proper care and pruning of hibiscus here:
The easiest way to treat for spider mites is to hit them with a hard spray of water. This is difficult when the plant is indoors, but perhaps they would fit in a shower stall and you could give them a thorough cleansing. Read about how to treat spider mite here:
If you do use a chemical on the trees, read the label to ensure that it can be used on that plant and against that insect. Follow the instructions for the correct method of applying the chemical.
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