
Can I still trim oak trees and avoid wilt at this time #893584

Asked March 04, 2025, 12:13 PM EST

At the beginning or March, can I still trim oak trees and avoid wilt?

Kalamazoo County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Dave,
Yes, you may still prune oak trees safely without risk of oak wilt at this time. Should be clear to prune through the end of March and into April; April 15 is the cut off date. 
We rely on growing degree days to let us know when the insects that can spread the fungal disease are active. If, for some reason, you need to wait a few weeks, feel free to reach out again and I'll take a close look at the growing degree days. 
Thank you,
Julie Crick Replied March 04, 2025, 2:24 PM EST

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