
Fringe Tree Dead/Diseased identification #893573

Asked March 04, 2025, 10:10 AM EST


I have 2 what appears to be fringe trees on my property. I am a new owner, the previous owner had planted these, I think they might have been in the same spot for 3ish years.

Last year I observed that one of the trees (Tree 2 image below) didn't get any leaves at all. The other (Tree 1 in my images) had leaves but on only half of the branches. It had beautiful flowers, but again only on half the branches and they looked a but sparse.

I am worried they are dead/dying. Can I do anything to save the one which is not fully dead? I am in New Jersey.

Essex County New Jersey

Expert Response

Attaching the picture from last summer.

The Question Asker Replied March 04, 2025, 10:34 AM EST
Hi Deepti,
Your identification is correct - they are fringe trees. The one that never leafed out last year is dead. The picture showing bark splitting off the trunks leads me to believe that any stems that look this way are dead and should be removed.
Diagnosing why they are dying from photos is difficult, but they appear to have been planted too deep. I recommend having the surviving tree examined by a Certified Arborist, preferably one that does root collar excavations. They use a tool called an air spade to remove excess soil from the tree's root system and often incorporate compost to increase the organic matter content of the soil.
Best regards,
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 04, 2025, 11:42 AM EST

Thank you so much Sandy's! That's very helpful. I will consult an arborist as you suggest!

The Question Asker Replied March 05, 2025, 10:01 AM EST
Great! I hope the arborist can save the remaining tree.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 05, 2025, 10:13 AM EST

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