
soil samples/testing #893562

Asked March 04, 2025, 7:34 AM EST

I am considering expanding my landscape beds at the front of my residence, I want to take soil samples to determine fertilizer needs etc. How do I go about doing this and what if any is the cost for the testing of my soil???

Stark County Ohio

Expert Response

Dear Peter,

You are on the right path by doing a soil test. The Stark County OSU Extension office in Massillon (RG Drage Campus 2800 Richville Drive, SE Suite 100, Massillon, OH 44646) has soil tests available for purchase. They are $15.00 a piece (you should only need one). On the website I listed you can see that they only take cash or check. The soil tests are sent to a lab at Penn State. If you prefer to have the soil test mailed to you, I suggest you order it from the the Franklin County extension office.

Here is information on how to do a soil test correctly. There are multiple labs listed in this fact sheet but we generally send soil tests to Penn State. Should you have any questions regarding the results of the test, your local extension office can help with the interpretation.

Happy gardening,


Sabine Kuhn Replied March 04, 2025, 2:05 PM EST

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