
Peach Rootstock #892802

Asked February 19, 2025, 6:01 AM EST

I have a old peach tree that is dying. I do not know what variety it is. I’m going to take some scion wood of the top and graft it to a good rootstock. What would be a good rootstock to use for peach tree in Ohio?

Champaign County Ohio

Expert Response

Hi Ted,

Here is a pretty good article on peach rootstock: Most commercial grower get their peach trees from Adams County Nursery in PA. Gardeners pruchase their trees from Stark Brothers and a few other outlets.

Look like you can purchase peach rootstock here: It is worth a shot.

I wonder if you may also want to pruchase another peach tree and graft your current peach cultivar onto the new peach tree.

Good luck!
Gary Gao, Ph.D. Replied February 20, 2025, 1:03 PM EST

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