
6' bare root crab trees #892473

Asked February 09, 2025, 4:55 PM EST

I am getting Prairie Fire crab and Spring Snow Flowering crab trees this spring through the county. I have Zimmerman Loam for soil (powdered sand). Looking for recommendations to improve transplant risks and whether I should mix something else in with the loam when I refill the placement hole. And what might be the best fertilizer for these trees.

Isanti County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for writing.
You will want to add an 30% organic material like compost to the soil.

Packets of Mycorrhizae fungi are also available at good garden stores and should be watered into the roots at time of planting.

These are detailed  instructions on handling the bareroot tree. The depth of planting is critical.,are%20not%20necessary.
Stake and tie the tree with gentle ties. Do not stake near the roots or the roots will engulf the stakes. 

For the first five years, protect the tree in winter with a loose collar goes from ground up about 2.5 feet. This should be put on in mid November and removed in mid April. If a rabbit girdles (eats) the bark around the tree, it will die. 
Let me know if you need more.
Steve Miles, Hennepin County MN (I am not a bot or AI) Replied February 09, 2025, 6:15 PM EST

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