
Vinca minor eradication #892458

Asked February 08, 2025, 11:27 PM EST

What is the best way to remove/kill vinca minor/periwinkle? This Vinca Minor is also interspersed with tiger lilies! Thank you!

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

As you likely know, Vinca minor, a.k.a. Periwinkle is a non-native plant that can be an invasive problem in the U.S. as it has escaped our gardens and invades natural areas, displacing other plants that should be there.
There are a couple of ways to deal with it, and it may take multiple attempts. 
Digging it out is one way. You can dig wide areas and then use a rake to raise and remove as many runners (roots) as you can. All plant pieces need to be removed as they can return from pieces. You could also try mowing repeatedly to tire roots out but that could take a long time. (You could also mow first and then dig.)
Lastly, our resource suggests that you could cut the plants low in the spring and carefully apply a non-selective, systemic herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate to the re-growth.


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