
Horse hay #892441

Asked February 08, 2025, 6:42 AM EST

Hello, I have been buying horse hay for many years in northern Michigan. This year I keep getting hay that has white dust in many of the bales. I assume it is a yeast problem. Can I get this hay tested and is the yeast harmful? In the really bad bales the horses won’t eat it. Looking to understand if I should insist on the far,er replacing this hay. Thank you!

Antrim County Michigan

Expert Response

Good morning and thank you for reaching out. I’m going to recommend you connect with our office manager in Antrim County. many times, our Extension offices have hay testers. If so, they can loan the tester out to you.  Here is her contact information.:

If they do not have a hay tester, I would then suggest you connect with: 


Cover Crop and Soil Health Educator
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Best wishes,

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