
Hydroponics/Aquaponics Garden #892388

Asked February 06, 2025, 6:12 PM EST

Hello, I am looking for any information about obtaining assistance to fund a hydroponics or aquaponics garden in Eastern Oregon. Thank you for any assistance in this matter.

Baker County Oregon

Expert Response

Hello, and thanks for your question. To clarify, I'm not sure if you're referring to a personal garden, or a commercial enterprise.
For the majority of government grants (and many others), a farm or ag enterprise needs to have been operating at least 2 years. There aren't any I'm aware of, that provide funds for brand new start ups, as those are considered very risky and unlikely to  "return on investment".
Here's a guide to government programs you can access to see what the requirements are.
The programs are much easier to browse here than on government websites. 

If you are looking for personal use, that will be even harder for a large scale program. You might try different civic organizations, veterans' groups if that applies, or college/ volunteer groups that could help you with construction.

There's a big cost difference between packaged, purchased systems vs those you build on your own. If you haven't already, you might take a look at those- there's a lot of videos on youtube, or here's a page with a lot of ideas:

Sorry I can't be of more assistance- I hope these leads are helpful.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 07, 2025, 12:29 PM EST

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