
H5N1 and backyard bird feeders #892382

Asked February 06, 2025, 4:05 PM EST

What are the current recommendations for backyard bird feeders in southeast Michigan?

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

To my knowledge the recommendations are the same regardless of region and are as follows from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources: 

"Yes, you may use backyard bird feeders. Regular cleaning of bird feeders with a 10% bleach to water solution is always a good practice to avoid transmission of HPAI and other diseases more commonly spread at bird feeders. If you own domestic poultry or have a backyard flock, it is recommended that you do not feed wild birds."

More information can be found here:

You can also find county record updates here:

There is currently one positive case in Washtenaw County and one positive case in Jackson County.

I hope this helps.

Clay Wilton (he/him) Replied February 06, 2025, 10:08 PM EST

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