
Soil Safety #892364

Asked February 06, 2025, 9:58 AM EST

I'm looking to start a garden on property that a house once stood on. The house was condemned and removed in February of 2020. I believe the house had asbestos siding. I currently have a few raised bed gardens filled with mulch, manure and compost. I would like to amend the soil and be able to plant directly in the ground. Do think this is possible?

Allegan County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Tracy, thanks for the question. 

The presence of asbestos is a major cause for concern. Stirring up the soil can send the asbestos into the air.  If this house was known to have asbestos at the time of demolition, the asbestos should have been removed in an appropriate manner; however, if there was a possibility of the soil being contaminated the only way to be sure that the soil is safe is through testing. There are testing labs that can do this, but they must have the appropriate certifications.  Testing can be expensive.  The EPA gives the following contacts for Michigan that can better help you with your concern.

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied February 10, 2025, 8:50 AM EST

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