Tina crab tree #892305
Asked February 04, 2025, 5:18 PM EST
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
Thanks for your question.
I am sorry to hear about your Tina Crab. The rule of thumb is if more than 50% of the bark is eaten away around the trunk, the tree will not survive. From your description it appears that this limit has been greatly exceeded. For this reason, the tree’s long-term survival seems dismal. My other thoughts:
1). At this point, there really is nothing for you to do. Certainly do NOT cut it down.
2). Once spring rolls around, keep the tree very well-watered until you make a final decision about it.
3). After temperatures warm up and assuming you are still watering the tree, expect to see some leaves emerging. While initially encouraging, this foliage is using energy that was stored in the tree during the 2024 season. Be prepared to see this initial foliage start to droop and drop off in June 2025.
4). Keep watering the tree until late August 2025. By that time, you should be able to make a final decision about its removal and planting a replacement.
5). I note that in October 2023, you submitted a question to us regarding protecting arbor vitae from marauding rabbits. At that time it was suggested that some type of protective fencing be installed around the arbor vitae. I am curious if you did this? If so, was it effective?
The following will provide further information on these and related points:
https://www.extension. - :~:text=Prevent Rabbit Damage to Trees and Shrubs in Winter&text=In most cases, a fence,with U-shaped anchor pins.
Good luck. Thanks for consulting us.