Elderberry bushes #891798
Asked January 22, 2025, 8:15 AM EST
Sullivan County New Hampshire
Expert Response
Hello Kerry,
Thank you for reaching out to UNH Extension Yard and Garden Infoline.
You are correct. The burning bush is an invasive plant. The following link will take you to an article from UNH Extension that spotlights the burning bush. The article provides information on controlling this invasive and offers some suggestions for replacements.
While elderberry is not listed as an alternative, it is an acceptable shrub for your and your mother's yards. The following article from the UNH Extension offers help in growing elderberry.
If you'd like to replace your burning bush with another shrub that offers interesting fall foliage, take a look at the following article from UNH Extension.
Unfortunately, the Infoline cannot recommend one garden center over another. However, we do have a running list for places throughout the state that sell native plants. We know that they can be tricky to find!
Places to purchase native plants in New Hampshire:
(This list is not comprehensive, just places that we know sell native plants in the state)
· Bagley Pond Perennials in Warner, NH.
· The New Hampshire State Forest Nursery in Boscawen, NH; catalogs go out in the winter and they are open mid-April though mid-May.
· Foundwell Farm in Pembroke, NH
· Kathan Gardens in Newport, NH
The Wild Seed Project in North Yarmouth, Maine is another good resource, although not located in NH. They are a non-profit organization that sells seeds and provides education to the public about native plants.
Your local nursery or garden center should be able to help you find an alternative shrub. We did find Cat Swamp Farm in Unity. They have a section on their website dedicated to native plants: You may want to reach out there to ask more questions!
Good luck and please reach out if you have further questions!