Where to find seeds for new OSU mild habanero peppers (Mild Thing, Notta Hotta)? - Ask Extension
Where can I find Notta Hotta and/or Mild Thing seeds near Salem?
Where to find seeds for new OSU mild habanero peppers (Mild Thing, Notta Hotta)? #891795
Asked January 21, 2025, 8:32 PM EST
Where can I find Notta Hotta and/or Mild Thing seeds near Salem?
Polk County Oregon
Expert Response
Dear Carrie,
Thank you for contacting Ask Extension. We do not track which seeds are offered by seed vendors, but I think you might find particular varieties through a Google search that includes the words "Buy xxx near me."
Please contact us again any time you have a gardening question.
Thank you for contacting Ask Extension. We do not track which seeds are offered by seed vendors, but I think you might find particular varieties through a Google search that includes the words "Buy xxx near me."
Please contact us again any time you have a gardening question.