
Caterpillars on indoor coffee tree #891784

Asked January 21, 2025, 2:57 PM EST

I have a 6ft tall coffee tree in my house in Portland. It is generally happy in its protected corner getting diffuse morning light (west and south facing windows but big overhangs). It probably has 100 green coffee cherries currently. I just found several very small caterpillars. They have black/dark heads and are mostly transparent. About the thickness of a pencil lead and maybe only 1/4 inch long. The leaves where I found them have some webbing and collected caterpillar droppings (tiny black dots). Also minor leaf damage nearby including some brown spots. I picked off the caterpillars I saw and also the leaves that had droppings/chew holes. What else can I do to disrupt their lifecycle? Can I spray with neem oil? I'd prefer not to spray with anything that would get into the fruit as my husband if hoping to roast the coffee seeds

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi and thanks for your question about the tiny caterpillars on your coffee plant. I can't be sure what they are without a picture, but picking them off or washing the leaves with soapy water will hopefully take care of the problem.

Neem oil should be fine as well, up to the day before you harvest the cherries. Test a section first in case it burns the leaves and spray only what you need to control the bugs. Read the label carefully as it may need diluting and be sure not to let it run off into a water source.

A six foot coffee tree is quite an accomplishment and I hope you get a great latte or two!
Rhonda Frick-Wright Replied January 21, 2025, 9:31 PM EST

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