
What to plant/do after lettuce bolts in midsummer? #891772

Asked January 21, 2025, 12:19 PM EST

Hello! I am in the process of planning my garden for this summer, and I would like to try growing lettuces. In the past, I have tried and not had much success, so I gave up. I'm wanting to try again. My garden space is somewhat limited to 2 raised beds, both 18 feet long and 3 feet wide, so I need to be somewhat careful/prudent in selecting what I grow. Assuming I can get the lettuce varieties to grow in the first place without mistaking them for weeds, what happens to that space in my garden when they inevitably bolt in late June / July? Do I just compost the plants and leave the area empty until next year? I wouldn't think there's enough time to plant most things once the lettuce bolts... is there? If there isn't, am I just wasting my garden space with a crop that can only produce for a month or so and then the area is completely unproductive? Can I plant more lettuce that would be ready later in the year, or is it too hot? I've tried searching to see what others in MN do, and have not had much luck. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

Washington County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hi Jordan, 

Thanks for reaching out! There are many ideas for what you can plant in place of your lettuce after it bolts in midsummer. Here is a helpful UMN Extension article that lists what plants do exceptionally well when planted in July:

Personally, I've planted sugar snap peas and green beans after my lettuce has bolted. I've also started a fall harvest round of lettuce and other greens by planting it at the end of July. This article has other vegetables and herbs that you may consider:

I hope this helps! 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied January 21, 2025, 3:59 PM EST

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