
Soil testing for heavy metals? #891726

Asked January 19, 2025, 6:27 PM EST

I asked this question of someone at the U of M soil testing lab, and they weren't sure of the answer. I wondered if you could answer: In a recent National Wildlife magazine, their Gardening for Wildlife column mentioned the importance of testing vegetable garden soil for heavy metals. I live in a suburb that was developed around 1970 and that was, I believe, farmland prior to being developed. Should I have my soil tested for heavy metals, or is that only for folks in urban or heavily polluted sites? If I should have it tested, what are recommended labs? The person at the soil testing lab gave me a list, but the places she listed (like Pace and EMSL) don't appear to be consumer-focused. Thanks!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response


Lead and arsenic are the biggest concerns for vegetable gardeners. Concentrations of other heavy metals are rare. The U Soil Testing Lab will test for lead. A soluble salts test may detect if excessive fertilizer (which can be a source of arsenic) was used on your site.

The Duke University page at the bottom has good advice on dealing with arsenic in soil. Cultural practices can minimize exposure.

These pages will help put the issue in perspective:

You may want to contact Environmental Health in Ramsey County to ask if there have been reports of heavy metal soil contamination in your area.

If you decide you want the soil tested for heavy metals, contact the firms that the U Soil Testing lab gave you. They are the experts in this area.


MJ Replied January 21, 2025, 4:59 PM EST

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