
Plant identifier #891710

Asked January 18, 2025, 6:58 PM EST

Hello, I'm taking the horticulture class and we have an assignment to identify a plant from our backyard. It suggested we use this link to ask a Master Gardener. I've attached a photo of a bush in our backyard. It gets white dangling flowers in the summer and has a very woody trunk/stem. I'd guess it's about 7 or 8 feet tall. I'd appreciate some help, thank you!

Polk County Oregon

Expert Response

Dear Erin,

Thank you for contacting us about plant identification. Your photos appear to show a landscape plant that is commonly known as Japanese Pieris (Pieris japonica) or Japanese andromeda. You can find information about this plant here:

I hope this information is helpful. Please write again anytime you have a gardening question.
Best Regards, Replied January 21, 2025, 10:25 PM EST

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