
Growing Fruit Trees in MN #891690

Asked January 17, 2025, 7:14 PM EST

Hello! I'm going to plant several fruit trees in the Spring. I've done my work choosing varieties that are suitable for my area. I live in the country and have a lot of tunneling critters who like to eat the roots of plants. What steps should I take to keep these critters away from my fruit tree roots? Maybe the trees are planted too deep that the roots aren't accessible? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You Pam Monteiro

Washington County Minnesota

Expert Response

First you need to identify the creatures.  Moles eat insects like grubs.  Voles eat vegetation like roots. But voles can use tunnels dug by moles.

Trees guards of metal or plastic can be used to protect trees especially in winter.  Careful observation of tunnels and either trapping or baits can be used to eliminate voles if it is a small population. Review the following websites for more information.

Good luck!
MaryKay, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied January 19, 2025, 8:20 PM EST

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