
soil with fertilizer for transplanting pathos cutting #891647

Asked January 16, 2025, 3:47 PM EST

I would like to know if a soil mix containing .13, .04 and .13 is suitable for transplanting pathos cuttings? Thank you. Elaine

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

I am guessing that you are asking about NPK fertilizer.  When you say .13 of nitrogen are you looking at individual components or a fertilizer mix?  Are you trying to dilute a standard nitrogen component?  Just as important as those numbers is what’s in the potting mix.  The following website will help you better understand these factors.

You would probably have better luck with rooting the cuttings first either in water or a propagating mix such a perlite or vermiculite.  I usually root my pothos cuttings in water first which helps them develop a good root system before planting. Also I never fertilize until the root structures are pretty well developed as fertilizer can burn tender roots.  See:

MaryKay, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied January 18, 2025, 2:51 PM EST

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