
Needlecast Disease on blue spruce #891594

Asked January 14, 2025, 10:21 PM EST

Hi. I have 2 mature (30 years old) blue spruce trees which are located near each other; they are not touching but are only separated by 6 feet at this point. One of the trees has needle cast disease to the point where a tree service company has advised that I cut it down, and I plan to do that soon. The adjacent tree has very minor signs of the disease at this point, and I am trying to figure out how to treat it. The tree service company says it would apply "Manzate". My research tells me that this is perhaps not the best treatment and instead I should use Daconil Fungicide Concentrate from GardenTech. Do you have a recommendation on either of these or some other choice for treating this problem? Thanks in advance for your help.

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

Was the tree service company able to diagnose the exact pathogen present? There are at least two dieback diseases of spruce in our area, both causing needle shedding; Cytospora canker is typically more common than needle cast. Neither is curable, and while preventative fungicide treatments might suppress new infections, they are not practical to use since they'd need to be applied yearly (and potentially several times each year, depending on how long each application lasts) for the life of the tree. Fungicides aren't always foolproof, and weather (like rain during an application window) can interfere with effectiveness, and occasionally fungi have resistance to fungicides. Given that such an expense and hassle isn't guaranteed to be effective, we usually don't recommend fungicide use in this situation. You may want to just enjoy the remaining spruce for as long as it remains in decent condition and then budget for its eventual removal and replacement instead. However, if you wish to pursue treatment, we'll check with our plant pathologist regarding which, if any, fungicide active ingredient holds the most promise for suppressing spore infection. (We can ask him once we know which pathogen the tree service confirmed was present, as this might impact which chemical would be the best choice.)


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