
commercial egg farmers in MI #891571

Asked January 14, 2025, 1:24 PM EST

I am looking for a commercial egg farmer that can supply me (DTW area) with 4-5,000 eggs/per week for my restaurant business.

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

I am looking for a commercial egg farmer that can supply me (DTW area) with 4-5,000 eggs/per week for my restaurant business.
Thank you for your question. I am not aware of any commercial farms in the Detroit area. 
Herbrucks Poultry Ranch is located in Saranac, MI which is about half way between Lansing and Grand Rapids. I am not sure if they do direct sales, but it may be worth giving them a call and asking them. The main office number is <personal data hidden>.
The other resource that I would point you towards is to contact Michigan Allied Poultry Industries; they are the commodity organization for all commercial egg producers in the state and have information for all of the commercial farms. To contact them, email <personal data hidden>.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me directly at <personal data hidden>.
Thanks so much,

Katie Ockert
MSU Extension Educator
An Ask Extension Expert Replied January 15, 2025, 11:36 AM EST

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