
Garden Potatoes Anyone? #891570

Asked January 14, 2025, 1:01 PM EST

I'm thinking of growing potatoes in my garden. I am relatively new to gardening and have no knowledge or experience with growing potatoes. I'm looking for the basic information (best type of potato to plant for the Cincinnati area, how big of an area, when to plant/harvest, best soil, raised bed or ground, plant by seed or just cut up a purchased potato, etc.) for growing potatoes? The simpler the better. Also, I'm not looking to have to use any insecticides or pesticides. I do the weeding by hand. Could you please provide me with that information? Or direct me to someone that could provide it? Thank you for your time and help........

Hamilton County Ohio

Expert Response

Potatoes are usually not grown from seed. Instead they are grown from seed potatoes which are usually small potatoes. Whatever varieties of seed potatoes that are sold in your local nurseries or garden centers will grow well in your area. Do not plant grocery store potatoes because they are often sprayed to prevent sprouting in the store. Potatoes can be planted as soon as the soil warms which for your area can be late March-early April. Usually 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Seed potatoes need to sprout before planting. Small seed potatoes can be planted whole. Larger potatoes can be cut into sections but each section must have one or more eyes (sprouts).

Following is a link to a University of Minnesota Extension website that has information about potato varieties, and how to plant and care for the plants.

If you prefer videos, this is a link to Utah State University Extension website with similar potato info but also YouTube how-to videos:

And following is a link to Iowa State University Extension with info about growing potatoes:

I personally grow potatoes in grow bags. Yukon Gold and Kennebec are two of my favorites.
Pat - MGV Cuyahoga County Replied January 14, 2025, 2:55 PM EST

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