
Water wise turf seed #891557

Asked January 14, 2025, 10:18 AM EST

I recently had to excavate a sizable area of my turf for a stop waste valve replacement. I have Bermuda grass around my city trees and I think that is fairly drought tolerant. Is there another grass seed I should consider? Because my turf surrounds my city trees it makes sense to keep turf here. Any suggestions for seeding?

Mesa County Colorado

Expert Response

Bermudagrass does have pretty good tolerance to drought. If you were looking for something different - If the area has low foot traffic, you could try blue grama grass or if it has moderate foot traffic, buffalograss could be an option. They can also be mixed in a low-traffic area. Both of those are grasses native to Colorado (though only blue grama is native to Mesa County; buffalograss is native to eastern Colorado). Warm season grasses, like these, including Bermudagrass, can be seeded in spring/early summer.  

Native Lawn Establishment in Colorado (additional information on blue grama and buffalograss)

Buffalograss Establishment

An Ask Extension Expert Replied January 14, 2025, 6:03 PM EST

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