Growing bulbs in planters #891496
Asked January 11, 2025, 12:51 PM EST
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
You can plant them in pots outdoors but there are some precautions you will need to take.
The most vulnerable part of any plant are the roots or bulbs. If they are hardy to zone 4 they can take the cold but damage will occur if they go through a freeze and thaw, freeze and thaw cycle. That is what happens when pots are outside and the winter sun hits the sides of the pot. It warms and thaws the soil and roots.
If you want to put them in pots, be sure to cover the pots with straw so that they don’t get direct cut light. This will insulate them from the cold/warm cycle.
You could also try putting the pots into an unseated garage and take them out in the spring. Then, you would still want to protect the pots from direct sun but they may bloom.
It’s worth a try. You should get some blooms this spring.