What's wrong with them? #891487
Asked January 11, 2025, 1:18 AM EST
Clay County Minnesota
Expert Response
Hello Jacob,
Thank you for your question. These plants look like they may have light scald. Light scald may happen when plants are too close to a lighting source. Below you will find some guidelines from the University of Minnesota Extension website along with the source link.
Distance from light source
Keeping sufficient distance between plants and a light source is especially important when using bulbs that produce a lot of heat, like incandescent and high-pressure sodium. But even with LED and fluorescent lights, maintaining a proper distance helps to ensure healthy plant growth.
- Seedlings: 4-6 inches (move your light up regularly as they grow)
- Hydroponic lettuce and herbs: 6-12 inches
- Foliage houseplants: 12-24 inches
- Flowering houseplants: 6-12 inches
Source Link:
Thank you again for your submission.
Bailey Olson