
How do I map a flower garden plan? #891476

Asked January 10, 2025, 5:11 PM EST

We have an area to the west of our new house that I want to create a flower garden. There is partial sun and full sun available in the area. I'd like to plan out what I would plant and how to arrange the planting, but have no idea how to do that. Thank you for any ideas or reading that would be helpful.

Wagoner County Oklahoma

Expert Response

We don't have a specific document that addresses flower garden design, but we have several publications that provide information on design and on plant material. One publication, Master Gardener's Manual, does cover flower garden design in Chapter 6, Part 2: Herbaceous Ornamentals. Many other publications on plants that grow well in Oklahoma can be found on our publication site -

A couple resources that may be helpful are the Oklahoma Proven Plant Selection Program,, and Water-Efficient Landscapes for Oklahoma.

Hope this helps. You can also reach out to your Wagoner County OSU Extension Service for additional assistance.

David Hillock Replied January 15, 2025, 4:55 PM EST

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