Spanish lavender trimming - Ask Extension
I have one year old Spanish lavender plants. I have not trimmed yet. Is March optimal time to trim them back by 1/3?
Spanish lavender trimming #891393
Asked January 08, 2025, 3:04 PM EST
I have one year old Spanish lavender plants. I have not trimmed yet. Is March optimal time to trim them back by 1/3?
Clackamas County Oregon
Expert Response
Thank you for your question, Gail. Although you can remove flower stalks any time of the year, maintenance pruning should wait until all chance of frost is past, so late March. Spanish lavender, especially, is susceptible to injury if pruned when it is very cold, since it is native to a hot, dry region. This Extension article has good information about lavender, generally, with lots of other helpful tips:
Good luck!
Good luck!