
Which "grow" light? #891014

Asked December 26, 2024, 1:25 PM EST

I hope to improve germination of Italian red/long onion seeds. I start in trays with soil-less planting mixture and cover damp mixture with plastic or dome. Mixed results on germination and seedling growth in sunny window. If a grow light would help, what do I look for? Thanks, ben

Hamilton County Ohio

Expert Response

You're on the right track. Although natural light provides support for healthy vegetable seedling growth and development, "day length" can present a challenge. Thus, augmenting natural light with artificial light to extend the length of time plants are exposed to light is a great workaround.

Here are two excellent fact sheets from the University of Minnesota that can help guide you in your endeavor:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied December 26, 2024, 4:22 PM EST

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