
Number of Livestock Owners #890858

Asked December 17, 2024, 1:37 AM EST

I need to find out approximately how many livestock owners there are in Morrow, Umatilla, Wallowa and Union counties, including CTUIR. This includes horses, cattle, pigs, llamas, rabbits, poultry and bees -- all livestock.

Umatilla County Oregon

Expert Response


Thank you for reaching out. The best source of data for this is the USDA Ag Census, and they do have a searchable database for quick reference.  You can search by county and would want to do seperate seraches for Poultry, All Animals and bee colonies.

The data is limited, since not everyone completes the Ag Census. 

  • Livestock and Animals – Statistics on cattle and calves, cows and heifers, milk cows, other cattle, goats, and horses.
I don't think Llamas would be accuarately represented. 
Warm Regards,  Replied December 17, 2024, 6:41 PM EST

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