
Tree tag #890837

Asked December 16, 2024, 12:23 PM EST

Hi. I know someone who just moved into a new home in Ann Arbor, and there is a tree that has a metal tag numbered 2828. I found something online called the big tree registry, but it doesn't go up to the number. So I was just wondering what does this tag mean? Do you have any more info or resources for me to possibly find out? Thanks!

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Jodi,

I'm not sure what the tag could mean, and it sure is interesting! 

While you may have visited this site, I recommend reaching out to the Ann Arbor's Forestry Public Works; contact information is on the right side of this webpage:

The other point of contact would be the Washtenaw Conservation District, their website is listed below.
Scroll all the way down for contact information. 

Good luck!
Julie Crick Replied December 16, 2024, 12:58 PM EST

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