Duluth Area Specific #890736
Asked December 12, 2024, 10:08 AM EST
St. Louis County Minnesota
Expert Response
Good Morning Michael,
Thank you for contacting the U of M Extension Service.
Please click on the following link that shows your plant hardiness growing zone: If you live by Duluth, you are in zone 4a or 4b.
Since you moved to the area, you might want to start with a soil test:
You might contact the local St. Louis County Extension Master Gardener group to get specific "local" information: Some gardeners in the local group should be able to share the local challenges.
Please click on the following link about extending the growing season:
All of the information on the U of M Extension Yard and Garden website is research based. Here is a link about growing vegetables in Minnesota:
As you go through the growing season, we are here to answer questions.
Good Luck!