Iliacs and peonies transplanting #890632
Asked December 09, 2024, 9:47 AM EST
Cheboygan County Michigan
Expert Response
As for transplanting lilacs, I would wait until spring now as you'd like at least 2-3 months for transplants (especially if they are bare root) to root in before the ground freezes.
You can cut your peonies back now or wait until spring (especially if they didn't have any disease issues). Most of the plant's energy has gone back into the tubers (rhizomes) by now, so it's a personal choice whether you'd like to keep the top growth for any winter interest, i.e., snow collecting, etc.
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Hello Elaine,
I’m sorry about the confusion over the hot line and I understand your frustration. I wonder if you have the most recent number which is:<personal data hidden>.The hot line is operated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9-12 and 1-4. That number was picked up when I just called.
With respect to your lilacs, late winter to early spring is ideal. Read more about planting and caring for lilacs here:
As previously advised, peonies can be cut back now because they are dormant.
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