
Oregon Grape leaf buds? #890629

Asked December 09, 2024, 2:04 AM EST

In early October, we transplanted a few mature Oregon Grapes and two of the three immediately did well. The third, and biggest, one dropped several leaves soon after the move though so I worried it was stressed. However it still kept most of its leaves and today I noticed what appear to be buds on the end of each of its long stems, with what appear to be new leaves emerging. Is this a typical behavior for a mature Oregon Grape? Any idea why it’s doing this in December? I assume to replace the ones it lost but wasn’t sure. Thank you for your help!

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

I just went outside and looked at our Oregon Grape and there are green terminal buds at the tip of each stem. There are also axillary buds between the leaves and stem. Bud break shouldn't occur until next spring (March to May depending on cultivar and micro-climate). If the buds break early, it may be due to some transplant shock, and you would likely see damage to the new growth due to frost or extreme freezes. Otherwise, it sounds like the plant dropped some leaves due to some transplant stress but is recovering. You should see new growth in the spring. For more on the botany of Oregon Grape, refer to:
Thank you so much!
The Question Asker Replied December 12, 2024, 6:16 PM EST

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