Coddling Moth Apples Southeast MI #890619
Asked December 08, 2024, 3:46 PM EST
Oakland County Michigan
Expert Response
To manage codling moths in a home apple orchard in Michigan, you can refer to the comprehensive guide provided by Michigan State University. Check out Codling moth management options for Michigan apples - Jackie Perkins and Julianna Wilson, Michigan State University Department of Entomology - June 12, 2024 - Updated from an original article written by John Wise and Larry Gut, Michigan State University Department of Entomology. At this link:
Codling moth management options for Michigan apples - Apples
Here are some key points:
Monitoring and Forecasting: Use pheromone traps to monitor moth activity and set a biofix to predict key life stages. More information at this link:
Codling moth management options for Michigan apples - Apples
Cultural Control: Keep the orchard clean by removing loose bark, brush, debris, and culled fruit. More information at this link:
Apple: Codling moth | Hortsense | Washington State University
Prune the canopy to make it easier to reach and spray.
Biological Control: Encourage natural predators and parasites that can help control codling moth populations. More information at this link:
Apple: Codling moth | Hortsense | Washington State University
Chemical Control: Apply insecticides carefully, rotating between products to avoid resistance. Use mating disruption techniques if possible. Read and follow the directions on the label for all your pesticides. More information at this link:
Codling moth management options for Michigan apples - Apples
I hope this helps!