
Please identify tracks in suburban yard #890608

Asked December 07, 2024, 6:07 PM EST

These tracks were found in a backyard in Newberg, Oregon (Yamhill County). Can you identify them? Thank you.

Yamhill County Oregon

Expert Response

Rather than tracks, those look like excavations to bury (or perhaps unbury/rob) food caches. Squirrels are notably busily engaging in this type of behavior right now, but jay species and others are also known for hiding/storing food (such as acorns) in fall and winter. Because the one opening has a pretty clear "outkick" of dirt, I would suspect that one is the work of a squirrel. 
Dr. Dana Sanchez Replied December 08, 2024, 4:56 PM EST
Thank you very much for the speedy reply Dr. Sanchez. I will pass the information on to the home owner.


Dana (yes!)

From: "Ask Extension"
To: "bdedanaan"
Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2024 1:56:27 PM
Subject: Re: Please identify tracks in suburban yard (#0160524)

The Question Asker Replied December 08, 2024, 7:06 PM EST

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