Where to source multi-grafted fruit trees in MN? #890598
Asked December 07, 2024, 11:42 AM EST
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
Multi-graft fruit trees sounds like a great way to maximize your space.
The best way to find what you're looking for is probably by contacting a local nursery(ies) that sells fruit trees to ask if they can order trees that have the combination of rootstocks that most appeal to you. Review this UMN Extension page on choosing apple rootstock (describes rootstock characteristics). On that same page, just below the section on rootstock, is a table with apple varieties recommended for Minnesota.
Five peach varieties are recommended for the warmest part of Minnesota. It's worth talking to your local nursery about what varieties they can order and whether they can source multi-graft.
Five cherry varieties are recommended for Minnesota. Again, you could ask the nursery about a multi-graft.
This page has good general information about growing stonefruit trees.
Winter is the time to be doing this research so you can order your trees early and have them delivered for planting time in the spring.
Best wishes!