Conitnuous dieback of rhododendron - Ask Extension
I have a very old, very large rhodo that started to suffer die-back this spring, and it continues to cause significant loss.
The die-back starts with...
Conitnuous dieback of rhododendron #889848
Asked November 14, 2024, 4:45 PM EST
I have a very old, very large rhodo that started to suffer die-back this spring, and it continues to cause significant loss.
The die-back starts with the leaves, then progresses to major branches. Soil is well-maintained with adequate pH.
Cuyahoga County Ohio
Expert Response
Goodness! One hates to see an old friend die.
You do not give me much to work with here. The terrible drought we have gone through this summer and fall could be a factor; plants need 1" of rain a week. Did yours get that? Is it in an increasingly sunny spot which would mean it would need even more water?
If those are not an issue, here are some excellent articles you can look at and see if they seem likely reasons:
2. This seems unlikely but...
I hope these ideas are helpful.
You do not give me much to work with here. The terrible drought we have gone through this summer and fall could be a factor; plants need 1" of rain a week. Did yours get that? Is it in an increasingly sunny spot which would mean it would need even more water?
If those are not an issue, here are some excellent articles you can look at and see if they seem likely reasons:
2. This seems unlikely but...
I hope these ideas are helpful.