
Rain Garden Advice #889622

Asked November 10, 2024, 2:29 PM EST

Hello, We're seeking solutions to mitigate stormwater runoff that runs from uphill properties through ours, causing erosion in our backyard. We are planning to submit an application for the Howard County Cleanscapes program and have received quotes from two approved vendors - one suggested a conservation landscape adjacent to and slightly uphill from the pictured wash out area (would be on the left side in the attached image); one suggested a rain garden through the trees following the path of the storm water. We're concerned that digging a rain garden may significantly harm established trees by cutting roots. The vendor was unconcerned and said the trees have enough other roots that this wouldn't be a problem, but we wanted to ask a second opinion. Would you be concerned about digging a rain garden through the path pictured? Thank you!

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response


Great question and project! 

It may be beneficial to do a little bit of both of the projects that the professionals are recommending. The uphill conservation landscaping will slow the water coming through the property so it doesn't have as much velocity, but you will likely still get some standing water in a heavy rain event. 

If the company installing the rain garden is strategic and careful, the roots should be ok. As long as they don't remove more than about 1/3 of the root mass, the trees should be able to rebound. It would be beneficial to consult with an arborist to get their opinion on the trees and potentially cutting into the roots. They will be able to assess the health of the trees and determine if they are healthy enough to leave (we can't determine their health due to the time of year from these photos). You can search for a consulting arborist at .

Let us know if you have further questions. 


Thank you very much, Emily!
The Question Asker Replied November 11, 2024, 9:15 PM EST

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