bamboo removal - Ask Extension
I am inquiring about bamboo removal behind my house.
bamboo removal #889302
Asked November 04, 2024, 10:07 AM EST
I am inquiring about bamboo removal behind my house.
Anne Arundel County Maryland
Expert Response
Our Containing and Removing Bamboo web page provides options for restricting growth (if part of the plant is growing outside of your property, where you can't remove it) or eradicating an established colony. Generally, the best approach is a combination of physical removal first (at a minimum, cutting all bamboo growth down, likely several times), removing what soil rhizomes you can (a step that can't be done well if tree roots are in the way), and then treating what regrows one or several times with systemic herbicide to kill the roots. Depending on the extent of the invasion, bamboo eradication might unfortunately take a full year or more of effort.