
Japanese Maple Leaf Issues! #889281

Asked November 03, 2024, 5:21 PM EST

Hello, My wife and I purchased our home last year and we have three Japanese maples on the property on the west side of our house. The leaves have brown spots and edges like in the attached photo. Wondering if this is sunburn, fungus ? The entire tree looks like this except for a tiny area of new growth at the top of the tree. Is there anything we can do to help the tree or will it improve once it drops it's leaves and returns in the spring?

Delaware County Ohio

Expert Response

Hello Dan. From the photo I don’t see any signs of a disease. I do see symptoms of left scorch, with the leaves turning brown from the edges inward.

Most types of Japanese maples do not like direct sunlight. They prefer more dapple light. On the west side of your house they are exposed to direct afternoon sun and hot conditions, assuming there are no shade trees overhead.

While you can’t do anything about their location, you can help offset the effects of where they’re located. Left scorch is a result of the leaves loosing water faster than it can be replaced. To offset this make sure the trees are gettin adequate water. Less frequent deep watering is better than frequent shallow watering. To help conserve soil moisture apply a 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch under the trees out to the edge of the limbs. And avoid volcano mulching. Don’t put mulch up against the trunks of the trees.

Here is a factsheet with more information on Japanese maple and their care.

Thank you for your question.

New Hampshire

David Sprague Replied November 06, 2024, 10:38 AM EST

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