
Pruning climbing roses #887589

Asked October 09, 2024, 4:46 PM EDT

It was a good year for our climbing roses with all the rain. What advice do you have about cutting them back? First photo, front of house, facing east. Second photo, back of house in alley, facing west. Many thanks for your help!

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for reaching out to ask2.extension.

The rule of thumb is to trim back 1/3 of shrub.  If this were my rose, I would cut it back to the top of the trellis.

You can always trim some more back next spring if you want it lower than that.  It may take a couple of years to get it back to the size you want it.  It’s a beautiful shrub!

Deb Kroon Replied October 10, 2024, 12:24 PM EDT

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